How’s your attitude affecting you?

by | Feb 24, 2011 | Empowerment & Encouragement, Goal Setting | 0 comments

“Our attitude towards unpleasant things is a vital part of going through them successfully.”

– Joyce Meyers from her book: Power Thoughts

Have you ever considered the value in going through unpleasant experiences?  I have come to learn that with life, comes difficulties.  Everyone goes through difficulties in life, so it’s important to remember that our challenges are truly a part of being alive.

We can learn a lot about ourselves as well as others when the ‘difficult times’ come.  Going through difficulties isn’t typically a pleasant thing, however it’s possible to get through the ‘though stuff’ with grace, and actually grow as a result of it.

 How you choose to face those difficult times can make going through it more bearable OR less bearable… even unbearable, so think about your ‘attitude’ and how your outlook on the situation and those involved might be helping you OR harming you.

Funny thing is that our attitude is not only helpful when we go through life’s challenges, but it also plays an integral part in helping us enjoy all of what life has to offer.   It’s too easy to get sidetracked with all of what’s not ‘just right’ or ‘perfect’, and when that happens it becomes hard to appreciate the many blessings that are right in front of us.

Take the time to ‘check yourself’, and see how your attitude is be helping OR harming you.


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