We are approaching a holiday weekend here in Canada (Victoria Day – Monday May 23, 2011). And as the weekend draws closer and closer I am reminded about the importance of taking time to rest and relax.
When we aren’t getting enough rest, and we don’t incorporate healthy relaxation techniques in our day, life can become very stressful and unbearable. Incorporating relaxation into our day can be as simple as taking a few minutes to do some ‘deep breathing’, or just stopping in the busyness of the day and reading a book/magazine you enjoy, stopping on the way home for a mani or a pedi, taking 10 minutes of your day to walk and enjoy a little bit of nature… (and these are just a few examples).
For those of you reading this that live in Canada, I encourage you to think about what your plans are to really take advantage of the upcoming Holiday weekend? What restful, relaxing thing have you been meaning/wanting to do, but haven’t made time for? See if this coming long weekend you can make some time for that well needed break. You’ve still got a couple of days to prepare, so be sure to plan something very special for yourself!