The 1st BS4W meeting was a BLAST….January 26, 2013 was the launch of the BS4W Bible Study group. It was so wonderful to hear from each of the women who attended, and I personally was encouraged and reminded that regardless of how many years a person has been married...
Colleen Blake-Miller
A New Bible Study Group 4 Wives
Starting Saturday January 26, 2013 we will be launching a Bible Study Group that focuses specifically on praying over our marriages.BS4W is meant to be a tool used to equip wives, and assist them in the building stronger marriages.My desire is for us to set aside...
Psalm 118:24 This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. I know… I know… some days it seems like there really isn’t much to be thankful for. But don’t believe the lie! There is ALWAYS something to be thankful for, but if you aren’t being...
Staying motivated with running
I’m baaaack!!! I know…. I know… It’s been so long since my last post, and I really can’t believe how much time has past since I last wrote a blog. Truth is, life has a funny way of taking up your time if you aren’t intentional about MAKING the time for what you want...
Today I flipped out and showed my angry face :s
So... Today I flipped out at a customer service rep at the passport office... I raised my voice... I got dramatic and even managed to get teary eyed... I basically had a public melt down before I could even catch myself...I stormed out of the office feeling SO upset...
18 weeks to Marathon Day 🙂
So today I registered for my training clinic for a FULL marathon through the running room. 18 weeks and then I’ll be running a full marathon… I am repeating myself because I am partly still in shock that I’m actually going through with this endeavor. I recently ran a...
Is it worth it?
Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like – Will Rogers So I find this quote to be quite humorous, because it’s so true…It’s crazy… but true none the less, and so many of us waste so much of our...
OMG… I can’t believe how long it’s been since I’ve blogged 🙁 Seriously…. And looking back at the last few blogs I wrote I feel even WORSE knowing that the last few blogs were focused on my weight loss journey… I mean seriously… I'm getting tired of writing about...
Change really IS hard to do…
Change is A LOT harder than it first seems...Yes... this is the intro line to my confession that I’ve had a rough few days with my eating... :(I guess having this ‘biggest loser’ competition extended a second time has really negatively influenced my motivation to...
Pressing on
Computer is down again 🙁 So I'm using my iPod touch to post my blog tonight. I must admit that yesterday and today was difficult for me to stay strong and not cheat because I learned that the competition (our version of the Biggest Loser) has been extended till the...