Have you ever considered how you feel when life starts to get disorganized and off balance?
- Exhaustion
- Frustration
- Feeling Discouraged
- Feeling Overwhelmed
- Loss of motivation
- Hopelessness
Join us on Saturday June 25, 2011 at
Crosspoint CRC 444 Steels Ave W, Brampton, ON
And be:
Motivated & Empowered – To go after the life and ambitions you have for life
Encouraged – By women just like you as they share their personal stories and testimonies
Informed – How to make simple changes that will help you gain more Balance, and Organization in your life TODAY!!!!!
Blake-Miller Counselling & Consulting presents: their 2nd Annual Conference:
“Woman of Worth” – Living and Organized and Balanced life.
Hoping to see you there!
Click Here to pre-register for this event