When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.
– James 4:3
Ever wonder why some of your prayers aren’t being answered? There are many reasons that might explain why certain prayers are unanswered; God might have different timing than you, you may not realize that He HAS answered your prayer because it arrives in a different ‘package’ than you expected, God might have answered your request with a no but you are stubbornly persisting anyways….. and the list really can go on… and on as to how/why some of our prayers go unanswered.
One of the causes of many unanswered prayers which I don’t think we spend enough time talking about or focusing on is that our prayers might very well have ‘wrong motives’ that are self focused. It is very challenging to sit down with ourselves and examine our motives, but it’s something I believe is important for us to do regularly.
God only wants the very BEST for you, and if HIS best is not what you’re asking for you might be faced with unanswered prayers. I can’t tell you how many things I’ve prayed for an in the end I’ve thanked God for NOT granting my request, because as time passed I was able to seen how a certain prayer would have held me back from achieving my purpose, or a certain request was actually minimal compared to what God eventually provided for me.
My encouragement to you today is to trust God… and remember that as long as your hearts desires are inline with His desires… EVERY one of your desires WILL be met… but remember that first you must focus on asking God what HE desires… and then pray that HIS desires becomes YOUR desires… and then you’ll be gooooood to go!!!