It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer. - Albert Einstein Hummmm.... I always enjoy reading quotes from people who have experienced success on their life journey. I think a part of why I’m intrigued to hear what successful people have...
Get back on the bandwagon
Wow... Ok... so... It’s been a week since my last blog entry! I decided to take a WELL needed break from blogging after the Woman of Worth Conference on Saturday June 25th, 2011. I was so exhausted once the day was complete that I just hit a wall, and realized that...
What’s your struggle?
Be kinder than is necessary because everyone you meet is struggling with something. - Not sure where this quote came from So I got an email today, and at the bottom of the e-mail the person had the above quote. (Don’t you just love how people put nice quotes...
Don’t stop on the road to success
The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places. ~Author Unknown How many times have you been on your way to accomplishing your goal and the thought crossed your mind ‘It would be so much easier to just stop now’? I have had those thoughts countless...