Just think about how you might feel if someone never gave you a break for some of the mistakes you’ve made? Life would be pretty difficult if you continued to be judged for the way you were in the past, even if you were making an effort to change for the better. Keep...
power thoughts
Try thinking the best of others…
There are still times when people hurt my feelings, but then I remember that I can choose whether to be hurt or to ‘get over it.’ I can believe the best or I can believe the worst, so why not believe the best and enjoy my day? – Joyce Meyer Power Thoughts pg. 132 (I...
Don’t give up the power
So learning to be less sensitive actually has more to do with YOU than it does to do with the people who are hurting your feelings. What seems so unfair is how another person’s action(s) can impact your mood in a negative way. If you’re anything like me, when...
How’s your attitude affecting you?
“Our attitude towards unpleasant things is a vital part of going through them successfully.” – Joyce Meyers from her book: Power Thoughts Have you ever considered the value in going through unpleasant experiences? I have come to learn that with life, comes...