Empowerment & Encouragement

Oh Give Thanks…

Oh Give Thanks unto the Lord... There are just TOO many things to be thankful to God about... I can’t even begin to count aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall the ways... Just a quick little note to remind you to be thankful... just take a moment and think about what you...

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ABC’s of Colleen

So I was daydreaming in the car the other day (which is something I do a lot), and I began to think about words that I want to represent who I am and who I am striving to be.  Then the idea of ‘The ABC’s of Colleen’ came to my mind.  So I thought I’d share what I came...

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Make a change

Life is too difficult when you spend it wishing and wanting everybody else to change.  My encouragement is that if YOU want change, then figure out how YOU can effect change yourself FULL STOP! The only person you have control over is yourself... noooo one else, so...

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